The new KC-46A Pegasus Aerial Refueling and Airlift Aircraft has arrived at JBMDL!
Congratulations Ranco team on being part of her arrival!

Our Projects

Addition/Alteration; B410 LRP Calibration Lab, JBMDL NJ Total renovation of the existing building ~7,380 SF and construction of a new addition ~ 3,000 SF. Building was occupied during the performance of all work and located in a remote, highly restricted area of JBMDL. Project elements; plumbing, concrete, metal fabrication, electrical, communications, asbestos abatement, HVAC, site work, demo, masonry, fire detection, suppression & security systems.

Design-Build; Satellite Fire Station JBMDL NJ Design-Build of a 7,815 sf single story fire station with newly constructed SFTC rated sleeping quarters, a kitchen, laundry room, equipment and maintenance room, fitness room, training rooms, station officer/watch room and apparatus bay.

Addition/Renovation; KC-46A Pegasus Aircraft Boom Ops Training Facility, JBMDL NJ Phase 1 Addition to the Weapons System Trainer (WST) & Phase 2 Renovations to the WST area + an addition to B2319 to house a Boom Operator Trainer (BOT), renovating existing fueling for the BOT, provide modifications to the existing Weapons System Trainers (WST) spaces to house the new WST equipment. Additional construction included site utility, pavement modifications and renovations to four restrooms.

Construction; Fuel Cell/Corrosion Control Maintenance Facility, JBMDL, NJ Construction of a 21,100 sf two (2) bay Fuel Cell and Corrosion Control Hangar. The new building envelope includes slab on grade construction, structural steel, metal wall panels, split face block exterior, SSMR and EPDM roofing, personnel doors, windows, and aircraft hangar doors. Project is LEED Silver Certified.

Renovations; KC-46A Alter Facilities for Maintenance, JBMDL, NJ All hangars and buildings were occupied during the performance of all the work and located in aircraft hangars on the flight line in remote, restricted areas of JBMDL. Renovations to four (4) buildings to include installation of new insulated wall panels, construction of a new X-Ray vault, demolition and construction of office space & existing restrooms plus space for hydraulic & wing air refueling pod (WARP) maintenance functions.

177th Fighter Wing Air Support Operations Squadron (ASOS) Beddown & Storage Facility Atlantic City International Airport, NJ New construction of permanent facilities (19,100 SF) & a covered vehicle storage parking area (15,000 SF). Project included reinforced concrete foundation and floor slab with steel-framed masonry walls and roof structure, all interior walls and utilities, Anti-terrorism/Force Protection improvements, security measures & site-work.

NJ Air National Guard, Fort Dix Battle Lab Training Facility, JBMDL NJ Construction of a specialized lab allowing soldiers to train for battle in the city, mountains, desert, wood, tank & howitzer simulators. The ~62,000 addition featured 4 amphitheaters & 4 classrooms with 80 computer workstations for logistics training.

Fire Restoration; FAA WJHTC, Atlantic City International Airport, NJ A 1,000,000 sf multi-story office building. The fire damaged ~ 20,000 sf of roof melting roofing materials which ran into all underground roof drain lines and hardened. Due to the extensive fire, water and smoke damage, the entire 1st, 2nd floors and partial penthouse were gutted down to bare concrete slabs.

Renovation/Alteration/Design; Burlington NJ KIA Dealership Complete renovation and design of a 32,000 SF 2-Story KIA Dealership in Burlington Township, NJ. The building included a large showroom area, a customer lounge, individual sales and manager offices, a second-floor mezzanine, break room with full kitchen, service bays with lifts and equipment, service write up area, parts storage, parts counter, rest rooms, locker rooms and a detail bay.

Electrical; Jet Fighter Mission, JBMDL, NJ Jet Fighter Crew Quarters Installed a 225 KVA pad-mounted transformer with #2 (15 KV) Medium Voltage cables; installation of sub-surface parallel conduits and feeder to 800A Main Distribution Panel; installation of a 200 Kw generator and Automatic Transfer Switch switch, poured 10' x 14' concrete generator pad & excavated for all electrical conduits. Site restoration.

Addition/Alteration; Jacques Cousteau Nat'l Estuarine Research Reserve Located in southeastern New Jersey, the Reserve encompasses over 110,000 acres of terrestrial, wetland and aquatic habitats within the Mullica River-Great Bay Ecosystem. This project consisted of additions and alterations to the existing one-story wood frame structure including construction of a 2,581-sf residential addition, exterior work, reconfiguration of the existing parking lot, adjacent site, and utilities.

Renovation/Demo; B3322 Cyber Ops Squadron, NJ Air National Guard, JBMDL NJ Converted existing warehouse to admin space to bed down a Cyber Ops Squadron including area for Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF). Repaired/upgraded HVAC and electrical systems, metal studs, drywall, painting, floor coverings, raised flooring, plumbing, acoustical ceilings, fire alarm, etc. Install infrastructure to support new communication equipment. Upgraded electrical systems.
Check back often as we continue to update our projects!